Vucacious Catering


Join Chef Kim Vu For A "Date Night" Cooking Class- Sat May 23

Cook along with Chef Kim Vu on Saturday, May 23rd at 5pm PST for her first “Date Night” cooking class. She’s going to teach you how to make a three-course meal inspired by the seasonal produce of the Santa Monica Farmers Market, with two of her greatest hits from New Vietnamese restaurant, Không Tên.

Logon to to watch the cooking demonstration at 5pm PST on Saturday, May 23rd. You’ll be able to comment and ask questions. Unlike Zoom, nobody will be able to see you, so come as you are! We’ll be cooking together for about ninety minutes up to two hours. Make sure to grab some snacks to munch on throughout the class.

Don’t worry if you can’t get all the ingredients for the salad or chicken - Chef Kim Vu can show you how to make it delicious now matter what you have in your kitchen!

Let us know on social or via email that you’ll be attending the class! It’s FREE. We are @vucacious everywhere, or ping Chef Kim Vu directly at @chefkimvu

Menu: Spiced Cashews / Ottolenghi’s Fancy Slaw From “Plenty More” / Hanoi Black Pepper Chicken With Greens Hash / 5 Spice Molten Chocolate Cake With Cherry Compote and Coffee Dirt

Ingredient List:

Snacks - Grab what you like to munch on during the class - cheese and crackers, cashews (Kim will show you how to spice them up), cut veggies, chips, etc. The class is up to 2 hours long, so you’ll want a few munchies to tide you over until dinner is ready between 6:30pm and 7pm PST. But don’t spoil your appetite!

Spiced Cashews - turmeric, ground cumin, paprika, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice

Fancy Slaw - 2 medium carrots, 1 small fennel bulb, 4 tsp lemon juice, 1/4 head cabbage (any), 1 red bell pepper, 1 red or green chile (optional), 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1.5 tsp dijon mustard, 1.5 tsp honey, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 cup flat leaf parsley, 1 cup dill, 1/3 cup tarragon, salt and pepper

Hanoi Black Pepper Chicken - 1 lb of chicken breast (boneless) or thigh, 1/2 oz garlic, 1/4 oz black pepper, 1/4 oz sugar, 1 oz Maggi Seasoning Sauce (optional), 1/2 oz soy sauce (low sodium), 1/2 oz molasses, 1 oz oil, water

Greens Hash - 1 red garnet yam, 1 potato (or a handful of fingerlings), saute greens (such as swiss chard, spinach, or kale), mushrooms of any kind, garlic, ginger

5 Spice Molten Chocolate Cake - 2 oz butter, 3 house chocolate, 1 whole egg, 1 oz egg yolk, 1 oz sugar, 1/2 oz flour, 1/8 oz Chinese five spice, confectioner’s sugar - you need a small baking cup, ramekin, souffle cup, or muffin tin to bake this (3 oz size - just smaller or larger is fine)

Coffee Dirt - Ground coffee, flour, butter, sugar

Cherry Compote - Cherries, sugar, water

1828 Lincoln Blvd. Suite B, Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310-853-8005

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