Vucacious Catering


Santa Monica Farmer's Market Demo: Seafood

Every second Sunday, Chef Kim Vu and team heads to the Santa Monica Farmers Market on Main Street for a cooking demo. She develops a themed menu, teaches you how to make them, feeds you samples, and sends you home with easy-to-follow recipes. Thanks to everyone who came out. And to those of you we haven't seen yet -- what are you waiting for? 

This week, the focus was seafood, featuring Santa Barbara Channel Seafood Company. The market was packed with people, the sun was shining, and music was playing as we setup and started handing out samples. By the last tasting, we were standing room only and ran out of recipe sheets!

Everyone got to taste each of the dishes we prepared. 

Everyone got to taste each of the dishes we prepared. 

Chef Kim hands out samples.

Chef Kim hands out samples.

For those of you who missed the demo or didn't get to take the recipes home with you, here they are, in printer-friendly version: 

The Coconut Curry Marinade can be used for any protein or vegetable. Yesterday, we used cauliflower, but for our catering events, we tend to use chicken. Feel free to try it with fish, tofu, or beef. 

We hope to see you at our next one in April. Until then, happy cooking! 

1828 Lincoln Blvd. Suite B, Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310-853-8005

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